True Choices for the Erotic Massage

We are not in a massage parlor, you do not have a massage table, so the girl is either on your bed or on the couch (possibly on a duvet on the living room carpet), so go ahead outright: sit astride his buttocks. This is already a pretty sensual position and more, that’s how we mass the best. The girl feels your weight on her buttocks, it’s already nice in itself (provided you do not crush it.). With מונאקו בית שמש this is important.

Use your thighs to grip it more or less:

The body language has already begun. And lean on your knees to lighten more or less your weight on it and to lean more or less forward. Do not forget to throw him a little “Are you ok? From time to time to check that everything is ok.

This is where you can pour the oil, be generous, after all you bought it on purpose for her. Gently draw a trickle of oil along her spine: she will already have her first shivers. And finally put your hands on her. The wait has been long: it will be good for both.

letting go of the last resistors

At this crucial moment when you pour the oil and where you start to massage, there are two types of girls: those who will be immediately relaxed and listening, ready to savor the sensations – in this moment already, it must be said, highly sensual and those, super uncomfortable, who will remain on their guard and will not stop talking so as not to let go. If you feel that the girl is nervous and cannot keep quiet to think of something else, it’s up to you to talk to her, but tell her about what you’re doing. It must be brought to focus on the present moment, until nothing else exists around you, only those hands on his body and the oil that slips along his loins.

After having thoroughly penetrated the oil all over the back with large movements, begin by massaging the neck and shoulders, to dissuade her to raise her head without stopping and so that she slowly lets go in the pillow soft (but not too thick) that you have taken care to place under his face. At that time, normally even the girl who was asking herself a lot of questions stops asking. But beware, no misplaced gesture, at the risk of ruining everything. Concentrate on the massage. Listen to the music. And it is no longer necessary to speak.

A bit of technique

This is very important: for the girl to take you seriously, the purely massage part should at least last 15 to 20 minutes. Even if you are very excited and you feel receptive, do not try to shorten this regulatory relaxation time that will make the result better than unforgettable.

The fall of the kidneys will be a particularly erogenous part, so do not go down too fast. Start by relaxing the neck and shoulders. Make large movements on the entire back (avoid the spine, you are not an osteopath, the goal is not to remove a vertebra.) And do not forget the sides, it is particularly pleasant and we are not used to being touched in these areas.


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